Monday, September 14, 2009


Sometimes, the hardest part of trying to be innovative and original in your floral designs is convincing clients that your ideas rock. The ones that drop by the shop for their weekly treat can be more daring, but a bride coming in for a wedding consultation will usually lean towards pretty safe options. Invariably, they start out with: "I want something very modern and original..." and end up with white tulips and hydrangea. How does that happen?
Knowing the looks I got from clients when I used the word "vegetable", I can only imagine the response a designer would get when proposing a wedding centerpiece featuring RADISHES. Unless you are a third generation radish farmer, it seems unlikely you would react positively to such an idea... And yet, are these not the prettiest things ever?
I found these on, and will keep them preciously to show my clients when they make that weird face that means: "how could that possibly look good?"
Pollen's blog,, is worth the detour as well...

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