Friday, October 23, 2009

Jordan + Mikael, summer 2009


I've mentioned this in a previous post, but this wedding was the most eco-friendly I've done so far... The flowers were 100% local and organic. Some of them I even picked myself, on the side of the road or in the alleys in my neighborhood, including the grapes, the hosta leaves, and the polygonum (the stalks that look a bit like bamboo).
It was a beautiful sunny day, so instead of working in the studio, I took everything outside and worked in the yard. Within minutes, the place was buzzing with bees and other bugs, all enjoying the freshly cut bounty. I thought to myself that if I was a bride, I'd be pretty stoked to know that the flowers we all enjoyed at my reception were also enjoyed by other living creatures, and up until a few hours before the party... No chance of that happening with imports that are so completely saturated with chemicals that no living being would go near it... Except us humans. Makes you wonder...

As well as using responsible products, I didn't use any refrigeration for this wedding. Some flowers I picked up on the morning of the event, and the ones that got delivered a day early were tucked away in my basement for the night. I have to admit I ran downstairs to have a look at them as soon as I woke up! This means all the arrangements, including the bridal bouquet and boutonnières, were made the day of the event. RUN... RUN... RUN... On top of that, all the containers were repurposed by the bride herself from her grandmother's collection.

This was all made possible by the fact that the wedding ceremony was at 6:00 and the reception at 7:30. Man, I just love late weddings... I wish all weddings were scheduled this way. None of that wondering what you're going to do all afternoon (I usually have a nap). And then the party can last all night! How can a bride enjoy her wedding (and wedding night!) if she had to wake up at six in the morning to start getting ready? Well, I suppose not everyone feels the way I do about getting out of bed early...
This wedding was featured in Brooklyn Bride, be sure to check it out (here).

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